Lindsey DeChaineWe Don't Mention the 'D-Word'A Simplified way to communicate effectively in your marriage
Jamie DeChaineHappy, Heavenly Birthday Mama2,333 days ago, you were face-to-face with Jesus and our Father himself. Your race was finished. In your absence, you’ve left a legacy of...
Lindsey DeChaineDeepressionIt’s difficult to see in the shattered glass a depiction of her is there, but the portrait has become distorted and faded. She is losing...
Jamie DeChaineThe Journey on JoyRecently, I had a wonderful opportunity to jump on a cruise ship named Joy with my wife and disconnect from everything and everyone. How...
Jamie DeChaineThe Gospel is InconvenientSome Christians could be reading the title like “the Gospel isn’t inconvenient!” Maybe those who identify as atheist or agnostic are in...
Jamie DeChaineYes Through The MessThree, Zero, Seven. Three hundred and seven. It's the total number of questions Jesus asked in all four gospels combined. Almost all...
Jamie DeChaineGod GogglesIf you haven't read the first post Son of a Righteous and a Rapist, CLICK HERE before reading below and then come back! If you have or...
Jamie DeChaineSon of a Righteous and a RapistSon of a Righteous and a Rapist. What's it like for your flesh to find Jesus profoundly disappointing when you need him the most?