With a name like Threads~Thoughts~Theology, you are probably wondering what to expect. Well, think of it this way: Threads will be connected to each new post with greater emphasis, Thoughts will be asked/shared, and Theology will be ever present. Let’s pull some strings…
The Marriage Thread
In our first thread, we are jumping into an interesting comparison from Genesis to Revelation. Marriage is a central theme God uses throughout the entire Bible. Whether it is by names or ceremony, the concept of marriage bridges the why behind God’s promises through his covenant.
Today, I want to share my favorite scripture calling to this idea.
To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:27-30)
John the Baptist should literally be renamed John the Best Man! For cereal though, who better to call himself the friend of the bridegroom?! John kept proclaiming to everyone that the groom had arrived! Another way to put it: John was the Best Man of the groom for the wedding to come.
The best man in any wedding is responsible for doing the heavy lifting so the groom can focus solely on his bride. He propels the groom to the spotlight which is one of many reasons why he says “He must be greater; I must become less.” To John, the beginning stages of the wedding was here and the covenant – to the severity of marriage – was the most important thing beyond everything.
Now, why is Jesus known as the bridegroom, we as the bride, and God as the Father?
That’s the topic of the next thread…
I believe we are in the later stages of what is described in the book of Revelation known as the end times. The crazy part? The book ends with the marriage of the bride and groom…
You’re probably thinking, “Jamie, what are you talking about?! Isn’t the book all about Jesus coming and destroying Satan? Christians going to heaven? Where and why do you say marriage of all things?”
Well, stay tuned for future posts! The reason I bring it up is actually to discuss the importance of marriage.
In today’s culture, marriage doesn’t hold the same weight as it did in biblical times to a large chunk of both Christian and non-Christian. Does that mean it has changed the importance of God’s design? Obviously, the answer is no…right?
A 2013 study in Couple and Family Psychology documented a lack of commitment as the No. 1 reason for divorce from 75% of people surveyed. They noted in 94% of couples, at least one spouse mentioned lack of commitment.
Commitment is a choice made repeatedly over time. God’s commitment to us started in the beginning with us. He has been the only constant; even down to his own words. The universe would literally implode if God went back on his promises.
Many seem to have forgotten what they committed to on their marriage day. To them, the wedding was just a formality. It’s never been a formality to God. More on this soon…
If the world at large understood the significance and covenant commitment marriage entails, maybe understanding and wisdom would spotlight the impact of God’s promise to us.